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Page:Corneille - Polyeucte, édition Masson, 1887.djvu/98

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lOBS RBÇVS SN OÉPÔT. GH0I6E Théâtre français ou xix^ siècle. •RnTT^ar une Société d’Éminents Professeurs de Kittêra- tnre Française en Angrleterre. Cp*^ Price per Volume, in Paper Wrapper, 9d. ; in Cloth, !#. THE THÊATBE FRANÇAIS DU XIXe SIÈCLE eomprifles the ehe/s~d’ œuvre of the BLost eminent French contemporary dramatista, oarefuUy edited, and correctly and elegantlj printed. 1. BirCHIy Hernnni, by Gustatb Masson, B.A. 2. SCaZBB, Le Verre éTEau^ by JULBS iiit^ M. A. 8. BB&AVXGXSTB, Les Enfante ifEdouird, by F&ancxs Tab- ▼EB, IVI.A. ^ 4. mOJmATf VAhbé De fEpée, by V. Kastnbr, M. A. 6. l«isXiBSVX&&B BT BV- VETBXBB, AJichel Perrin, by Gustave Masson, B.A. C. BAXSrBEAII’» Mademoiselle De la Seiglière, by H. J. V. db Candolb, ma., Ph.D. 7. 8CBIBB, Le Diplomate, by A. Kaoon. 8. BirSCAS, Les Demoiselles De Saint’ Cyr, by Fjiancib Tar- YBR, M A. 9. BBBBUB^ Marie Stuart, by H. Lallbhand, B. ès-Sc. 10. BABXCBB, La Grammaire, by G. Pétillbau, B.A. II La T. OXRABBXB- (Mad. de), j’oie fait peur, by L. J. Gérard. 12. 8CBXBB, Valérie, by. A. Rou- LIER, Fellow Qniv. GalUc. COPPÉB, Le Luthier de Cré- mone, by A. Mariette, ML. A. COPPÉB, Z:^ Trésor, by A. Maribttb, m. a. BB BAWXKBBv Gringoirm, by Henri Bcé, B. ès-So 8CBXBB et KBOOirVB. Adnmne Lecouvreur, by A, Dupuis, B.A; KABXCKBp Le Voyage de Momieur Ferrichon, by G^. Pétillbau, B.A. BBXiAVXOVB, Louis XI, by-FRANCia Tarver, M. A. aiOXBAVaCv Les Deux Sourds, by Paul Blouxt, iSt. Paul s 8chooL {Other Volumes in préparation,) 13. 14 lô. 16. 17. 18. 19. "The présent séries is strictly limited to the French dramatio literaturo of the nineteenth century, and the spécimens now before us contrast very favourably with a similar séries published in Germany. The notes are of a more ambitions character, though stricily limited to what is absolutely neoessary; the material exécution ia infinitely supurior, and the whole séries will, no doubt, occupy a sélect and permanent position in the Ubrary of every student of modem French literature . . . One of Tns CRIGP ADVAKTAOKS OF THE NEW BECX7KIL IS THAT IT ACCXTST0M8 THE KEADSC. TO coLLoauiAL French, and familiarises him with ths idiojcatic phaases akd con- struction NOW IN USE." — School Board Chronicle, " Nearly ail thèse plays, it will be seen, are by leaders of the revoit against the classic drama, and they embody in themselvos sutiicieut explanation of the suocess of that revolt. Each play is p:iven in the form of a handy little volume, and is carcf uUy edited wich notes. The séries deserves the attention of studeuta of the l’rench langua^ aiid literature. "--5’*o/»/n«n. " Ohi^apness and good print are not the only attractive featorea of this édition ; it bas a préface, giring a short and elear sketch of the plot of tho play, and notes t’xplaining tho Tarions idionu, which provo such atumbling-blocks in tha way ^i begionora."— The’Jfu vp. Kanken & Co., Piinters, Dmry House, Drury Ck>iLrt, Strand, L«ndon.