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Page:Harbottle - Dictionary of quotations French and Italian, 1904.djvu/190

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“Plus une pierre est jetee de haut, plus fait-elle d’impression ou elle tombe.”

Cardinal Richelieu. Testatnent Politique, Part I., Chap. VI.

“The greater the height from which a stone is thrown, the greater the effect on whatsoever it strikes.”

“Plut a Dieu . . . que vous fussiez si prudent que de laisser a chacun gagner Paradis comme il l’entend.”
Henri IV.
“Would to God that you had the wisdom to let every one gain Paradise in his own way.”

“Plutot souffrir que mourir;
G’est la devise des hommes.”

La Fontaine. Fables, I., 16.—"La Mori et le Bucheron.

“Sooner suffer than die;
’Tis the motto of man ”

“Plutus, la Fortune et I’Amour
Sont trois aveugles-nes qui gouvernent le monde.”

Voltaire. Lettres en Vers et en Prose, CXLI.—A Mme. du Deffand.

“Plutus, Fortune, Love
Are three gods, blind from birth, who rule the world.”

“Point d’argent, point de Suisse.”

Racine. Les Plaideurs, Act I., Sc. I.—(Petit-Jean.)

“No money? then, no doorkeeper!”

“Point, point d’ Amphitryon, ou l’on ne disne point.”

Rotrou. Les Sosies, Act IV., Sc. IV.—(Deuxidme Capitaine.)

“Amphitryon nowhere is, save where we dine.”

“Le veritable Amphitryon
Est I’Amphitryon ou l’on dine.”

Molière. Amphitryon, Act III., Sc. V.—(Sosie.)

“The true Amphitryon
Is the Amphitryon at whose board we dine.”

“Por ce di je qu’amors ne vaut nient,
De nient vient et a nient retourne.”
QuENE DE Bethune. Chanson VIL, 39. (Scheler, Trouvires Beiges, 1876.)
“Therefore I say that love is nothing worth.
From nothing comes, to nothing shall return.”

“Por remembrer des ancessours
Li fez è li diz è li mours,
Deit Ten li livres à li gestes
E li estoires lire as festes.”
Robert Wage. Roman de RoUj line 1é
“Who would remember his forbears.
What deeds, what words, what life was theirs,
Must chronicles and annals read
And histories written for his need.”