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Page:Harbottle - Dictionary of quotations French and Italian, 1904.djvu/271

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“(Che) chi a pazienza fa ogni cosa.”

Berni. Orlando Innamorato, XXIII., 64.

“For he who patience hath can all things do.”

“Chi alloggia alia prima osteria in ch’ ei avviene, trova ben spesso la mala notte.”

Baldinucci. La Veglia. (Ed. Milan, 1812. Opere, Vol. XIV., p. 223.)

“He who puts up at the first inn he comes across, very often passes a bad night.”

“Chi ama assai poco favella.”

Pulci. Morgante Maggiore, IV., 82.

“Chi ama assai, parla poco.”
Castiglione. Del Cortigiano. (Ed. Milan, 1803, Vol. II., p. 82.)

Tasso. Dei Casi d’ Amove. (Ed. 1894, p. 88.)

“He little saith that loveth much.”

“Chi ama, si fida in tutto e per tutto della cosa amata.”

Piccolomini. L’Alessandro, Act III., Sc. III.—(Cornelio.)

“He who loves trusts the loved one unreservedly, and in all things.”

“Chi apprese a tradir non e mai fido.”

Goldoni. Rinaldo di Mont’ Alhano, Act I., Sc. V.—(Carlo.)

“Trust him no more who once has learnt to feign.”

“Chi ascolta poco intende, e men chi parla.”

Folengo. Orlandino, III. 4.

“Little he understands who hears, less he who speaks.”

“Chi Asino è, e Cervo esser si crede, perde ramico e i danar non ha mai.”

Aretino. La Cortigiana, Act IV., Sc. IV.—(Rosso.)

“Whoso is an ass, and thinks himself a stag, loses his friend, and never gets his money.”

“(Dice il proverbio)
Chi bella vuol parere
La pelle ha da dolere.”

Goldoni. Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Cacasenno, Act II., Sc. II.—(Erviitiio.)

“The proverb says,
Who beauty would secure
Must suffering endure.”

“Chi ben commincia ha la meta de l’opra;
Ne si commincia ben, se non al cielo.”

Guarini. Il Pastor Fido, Act I., Sc. I.—(Silvio.)

“Who well begins has of his task the half;
And none begins well, save it be with heaven.”

“Chi ben commincia è alia meta dell’ opra.”

Goldoni. Il Filosofo, Part II., Sc. I.—(Lesbina.)

“Who well begins, is half way through his task.”