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Page:Harbottle - Dictionary of quotations French and Italian, 1904.djvu/346

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“(Che) l’injuria in colui che tempo aspetta,
Cresce col differir della vendetta.”

Marini. L’Adone, IV., 21.

“In him who bides his time, the sense of wrong
Grows, as his vengeance is deferred, more strong.”

“L’invidia è punita dall’ invidia medesima.”

Alberti. Favole.—L’Invidioso e il Fuoco.”

“Envy is punished by envy itself.”

“L’invidia, figliuolo mio, se stessa macera.”

Sannazaro. Arcadia, Ecloga VI.—(Opico.)

“Envy, my son, herself doth mortify.”

“Lira mal consiglia, e li matti senza ragione non meritano pena.”

Anon. Aristippia, Act V., Sc. II.—(Malachino.) (Printed in Venice, 1530.)

“Anger is a bad adviser, and madmen without their senses do not deserve punishment.”

“L’Italia farà da sè.”
Pareto. Reply to the French Radicals. (Reuchlin, Geschichte Italiens, Chap. XVII, p. 155)
“Italy will shift for herself.”

“Pur troppo s’ h fatta L’Italia, ma non si fanno gl’ Italian!.”

Massimo d’Azeglio. I Miei Ricordi. Origine e Scopo dell’ Opra. (Ed. 1867, Vol. I., p. 7.)

“Italy has made herself only too well, but the Italians are not making themselves.”

“L’occasion fa ruomo ladro.”

Goldoni. La Scuola Moderna, Act I., Sc. I—(Belfiora.)

“’Tis opportunity that makes men rogues.”

“L’odio ci e dato per odiare il male;
Per temerlo ci è data la paura.”

Berni. Orlando Innamorato, LX., 4.

“Hatred is given us to hate the ill,
And fear is given us that we may fear it.”

“L’onda del mar divisa
Bagna la valle e ’l monte,
Va passegiera
In fiume,
Va prigionera
In fonte,
Mormora sempre, e game
Fin che non torna in mar.”

Metastasio. Artaserse, Act III., Sc. I.—(Ai-bace.)

“The wave that from the sea is severed
Bathes the mountain and the vale,
In the river passeth by.
In the fount doth prisoned lie,
Ever murmuring, ever sighing.
Till to the sea it come again.”