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“Hom ki ço set que ja n’averat prisun,
En tel bataille fait grand difensiun.”
Chanson de Roland, line 1886.
“Who knoweth that all hope of quarter’s past,
Tn such encounter fighteth to the last.”

“Hors de Paris, il n’y a pas de salut pour les honnétes gens.”

Molière. Les Précieuses Ridicules, Sc. X.—(Mascarille.)

“Out of Paris there is no salvation for honest people."1

“(On apprend a) hurler, dit l’autre, avec les loups.”

Racine. Les Plaideurs, Act I., Sc. I.—(Petit-Jean.)

“We learn, says the other, to howl with the wolves.”

“Ici-bas tons les lilas meurent,
Tons les chants des oiseaux sent courts:
Je réve aux etes qui demeurent

Sully-Prudhomme. La Vie Intirieure.—" Ici-bas."

“Here on earth all the lilao" fade fast,
Soon hushed is the song-bird’s lay:
But my dreams are of summers that last

“Ici est enfermée I"me du licencie Pierre Garcias.”

Lesage. Gil Bias, Preface.

“Here is buried the soul of Pierre Garcias, the licenciate.”

“Il a éte permis de craindre que la Revolution, comme Saturne, devorat
successivement tous ces enfants.”
Vergniaud. (Lamartine, Histoire des Girondins, Livre XXXVIII., Chap. XX.)
“We have had reason to fear that the Revolution, like Saturn, would
devour in succession all her children.”

“Il arrive quelquefois des accidents dans la vie, d’ou il faut étre un peu fou pour se tirer bien.”

La Rochefoucauld. Maximes, 310.

“Accidents sometimes happen in life, from which one must be a little mad to extricate oneself successfully,”

“Il commandait un regiment de cavalerie sur les galores de Malte.”

Molière. Les Pricieuses Ridicules, Sc. XII.—(Jodelet.)

“He was in command of a regiment of cavalry on the Malta galleys.”

“Il connaît l’univers et ne se connait pas.”

La Fontaine. Fables, VIII., 26.—" Démocrite et les Ahdiritains.’"

“He knows the universe, himself he knows not.”

1 Cf. Shakespeare, As you like it, Act III., Sc. II, " Wast ever in court, shepherd?" etc.