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Page:Karamsin - Histoire de l'empire de Russie, Tome IX, 1825.djvu/607

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(1) Hakluit’s, t. I, p. 357. This Emperour useth great familiaritie, as wel unto all his nobles and subjects, as also unto strangers… His pleasure is, that they shall dine oftentimes in his presence.… He is not onely beloved of his nobles and commons, but also ad in great dread and feare trough all his dominions, so that I thinke no prince in christendone is more feared of his owne he is, nor yet better beloved. If he bid any of his Dukes goe, they will runne, etc., et plus bas : hee delighteth not greatly in hawking, hunting or any other pastime, nor in hearing instruments or musicke, but setteth all his whole delight upon two things : to serve God, and howe to subdue and conquere his ennemies. Dans les extraits de la bibliothèque du Vatican par l’abbé Albertrandi, se trouve una relazione degli grandissimi stati, etc., del potentissimo Imperatore e Gran Duca di Moscovia, faite, vers l’an 1557, par un Italien qui avait été au service du tzar Jean. Il l’appelle beau de corps et d’âme, vertueux, le plus illustre, le plus célèbre de tous les souverains : Questo nostro Duca e grande Imperatore, di età d’anni 27, bello di corpo et d’animo prestante e generoso, mérita per singolare sue virtù e per benevolenza dei sudditi, e per gli suoi grandissimi fatti, in poco tempo forniti gloriosamente, ad ogni altro, che