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Page:LeMoine - Chasse et pêche au Canada, 1887.djvu/76

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chasse et de son casse-tête, solidement liés à sa ceinture en baudrier, s’aventurera hardiment dans les sentiers presqu’impénétrables de la forêt, en quête des traces de chevreuils, faciles surtout à reconnaître aux premières neiges d’automne et plus tard. Tantôt, le cauteleux coureur des bois s’avance à grands pas ; tantôt, il s’arrête, se faufile derrière une souche, ou rampe comme un serpent dans les savanes, ou se blottit derrière un arbre. Là, il scrute à l’horizon, il écoute le moindre bruit.

Ah ! voyez-vous, là bas, dans la plaine, la victime qui broute sans défiance, mais à portée de fusil. Il épaule son arme, le coup part…

— Ami, qu’avez-vous abattu ? je ne vous demanderai pas ce que vous avez visé ; car, ce serait laisser planer un doute sur la justesse de votre tir.

    six to 13 cartridges. What is known as the half magazine ride is the one most affected by Eastern sportsmen, it is the six cartridge rifle. The calibres are 40x60 — 45x75 — 50x90. For all game found in the Canadian wilds the 40x60 is the most effective weapon. Its low trajectory and powerful penetration up to 300 yards commends it to Eastem sportsmen where a shot in the dense woods is rarely obtained at anything beyond 200 yards. M. Wakeman Holberton the well known sportsman while in the Adirondacks last year killed a bear with this rifle at 100 yards, the ball penetrating the thick skull and ranging into the neck, severed the verterbrae, showing the fine penetration of this calibre. The cost of this rifle is about $20.00.

    The Colt and Ballard are magasine rifles, the latter the finest finished and most expensive rifle made. It is priced at about $33.00.

    A popular weapon among the Adirondack guides is the combination rifle and shot gun. They are two shot gun barrels with a rifle barrel beneath. Where a camp is dependant upon the game killed, this gun commends itself, as the sportsman is always ready for any thing that runs or flys.

    The Winchester model of 1836, is the latest improvement, as the carrying block is of bronze which heats very little and does not rust. Its lightness, freedom from recoil is a great disideration to the Eastern sportsman. The full chambered rifle is only used today in the far west for large game at long range.