Page:Le livre des petits enfants ou recueil de récits mis à la portée du premier âge, 1851.djvu/206

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VOCABTJLARY. tien,no longer cost any thing. coûte, costs. coutume, custom ; de coutume, in général. couvert, covered. couverture, covering, quilt. couvraient, covered. couvrait, covered. couvrant, covering ; en se couvrant le visage de son tablier, covering her face with her apron. couvrent, cover. couvrir, to cover. craignait, feared, was afraid of. craignit, feared. crainte, fear ; dans la crainte de glisser, for fear of slipping. créé, created. cresson, water-cresses. creusèrent, dug. creux, hollow. cri, cry. cria, cried out. crier, to cry out ; on entendit crier ces pauvres enfants, people heard these poor children crying out. crois, believe, think. croît, grows ; il croît, there grows. croyait, believed, thought. cruel, cruel. crut, believed, thought. cueille, gathers ; ce sont les feuilles que Von cueille et que Von fait sécher, it is the leaves which they gather and which they dry. gp» cueillir, to gather. cuir, hide, leather. cuire, to cook. cuisine, kitchen. cuit, cooks, boils. cuivre, copper. culte, worship. cultivé, cultivated. curé, curate. curieux, curious, suspicious. % D. d’, before vowel for de. dame, lady. dangereusement, danger. ously. dangereux, dangerous. dans, in, into. danseur, dancer. datte, date. davantage, more ; en savent davantage, know more about it.