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Page:Le livre des petits enfants ou recueil de récits mis à la portée du premier âge, 1851.djvu/241

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VOCABULARY. 239 viennent, corne, may come ; viennent sur les chênes, grow on oaks. viens, come. vient, cornes ; vient (Varriver, has just arrived. vieux, old. vif, bright. village, village. ville, city. vin, wine ; pour mettre Veau et le vin, to put water and wine in. vingt, twenty. vinrent, came. vint, came ; qui vint à passer, who happened to pass by. violent, violent. violette, violet. virent, saw. vis, live. visage, face ; leur donnaient contre le visage ; blew in their faces. visiter, to visit. vit, saw. vit, lives. vite, quick, quickly vitre, pane of glass. vivaient, were alive. vivait, was alive. vivement, ardently. vivra, shall live. vivrait, would live. vivre, to live. vocabulaire, vocabulary. vogaient, were rowing. voici, behold, here is, here are. voient, see. voilà, behold, there is, there are j les voilà, there they are ; voilà deux jours que je n’ai pas mangé, I h ave not eaten these two days. voir, to see ; tout voir, to see every thing ; vous allez voir, you shall see. voisin, neighbour. voisinage, neighbourhood. voisine, female neighbour. voit, sees. voix, voice. voleur, thief. vomissement, vomiting. vont, go ; vont tomber, go tumbling. voudrez, will wish, will desire. voulaient, wished. voulait, wished ; voulait dire, meant ; voulait tout pour lui, he wanted ail for himself. voulant, wishing. voulez, will, are willing.