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Page:Lefèvre-Deumier - Confidences, 1833.djvu/190

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Say, my heart’s sister, wilt thou sail with me.

Haste with me,

We-shall find out some sylvan nook, and then

If thou shouldst sometimes think upon these hills

When they are distant far, nnd drop a tear,
Yes, I will kiss it from thy cheek, and clasp
Thy angel beauties doser to my breast,

And while the wind blows o’er us, and the sun

Goes beautifully down, and thy soft cheek
Reclines on mine, I will infold thee thus,

And proudly cry, my frieod — my love — my wife !

Veramente quant’io dcl regno santo
Nella mia mente poteI far tesoro,
Sarà ora materIa del mio canto.


J’ai trop, dans les écarts d’un esprit turbulent,
Des malheurs, dont il souffre, accusé le talent.
Si, déplorant parfois ma native agonie,
Mon vers acre et fiévreux a maudit le génie,
Je n’ai jamais conçu le soupçon effronté,
Qu’on me croirait flétri du mal que j’ai chanté.