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Page:Mallarmé - Œuvres complètes, 1951.djvu/1158

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7. Ugly wornen, finely dressed, arc the uglier for it. 8. Dirt is dirtiest upon the fairest spots. 9- ......................................... 10. ’Tis the prettiest flower in his crown. 31. — Adjectif. Comparatif et superlatif. Remarques générales. 1. The higher the ape goes, the more hc shows his tail. 2. The richer the cobbler, the blacker his thumb. 3. The longer east, the shorter west. 4. The higher the plum-tree, the riper the plum. 5. The smaller the drink, the cooler the blood and the clearer the hcad. 6. The dearer it is, the cheaper to me; for I shall buy the less. 7. The greatest clerks are not always the wisest men. 8. The foirer the paper, the fouler the blot. 9. The less play, the better. 10. The more danger, the more honour. 32. — Adjectif. Comparatif et superlatif irréguliers. 1. The worse lnck now, the better another time. 2. The nearer the church, the forther sometimes front God. 3. Lose a leg rather than life. 4. Less of your courtesy and more of your purse. 5. Hunger is the best sauce. 6. He who dépends on another dines ill and sups worse. Good to begin well, better to end well. 8. Debt is the worst poverty. 9. Bacl words make a woman worse. 10. Asses that bray most eat least. 33. — Nombres cardinaux. 1. To carry two faces under one hood. 2. Seven may be company, but eight are confusion. 3. One, two, three,four are just half a score. 4. Hc that has but four and spends five, has no need of a purse. 5. Hang not ail your bells upon one horsc. 6. A stitch in time saves nine. You go as if nine men held you. 8. No secret but between two. 9. One eye of the master is worth four of the servants’. 10. One tongue is enough for a woman.