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Page:Mallarmé - Œuvres complètes, 1951.djvu/1165

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53. — Pronoms et Adjectifs indéfinis : other, etc. 1. You carry fire in one hand water in the other. 2. To cry with one eye and laugh with the other. 3. ’Tis a hard winter when one wolf eats another. 4. This world is nothing except it tends to another. 5. They follow each other like ducks in a gutter. 6. A nail drives the other. Sadness and gladness succeed each other. 8. Scald not your lips in another man’s pottage. g. One hand may wash the other but both the face. 10. It is no good lien that cakles in your bouse and lays in another. 54. — Pronoms et Adjectifs indéfinis : all, etc. 1. The earth produces all things and receives all again. 2. He is like a bell that will answer every pull. 3. Give a child his will and a whclp his fill, and neither will thrive. 4. Every one cannot dwell at Rotheres. 5. Every one as they like, as the woman said when she kissed the cow. 6. The hall is merry when all the beards wag. 7. Birds pay equal honours to all men. 8. All cats are alike grey in the night. g. A whole bushel of wheat is made up of single grains. 10. Better a mouse in the pot than no flesh at all. 55. — Pronoms et Adjectifs indéfinis : such, etc. 1. Such a father, such a son. 2. He is a friend to none that is a fricnd to all. 4. Such is .................................... 5. He that has some land, must hâve some labour. 6. Some are wise, some are otherwise. 7. You dance in a net and think nobody sees you. 8. A man of many trades begs his bread on Sundays. g. So many men, so many minds. 10. As the tree is, such is the fruit. 56. — Verbe auxiliaire : to be, être. r. Be as you would seem to be. 2. Ifyou be not pleased put your hand in your pocket and please yourself.