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abaisser, to lower; s’ — , to drop,to be lowered.

abandonner, to abandon, to give up.

abasonrdi, dumbfounded.

abattre, to beat down; s’ — , to fall or swoop upon.

achever, to complete; s’ — , to end, to come to an end.

acquérir, to acquire. acquisition, f. , acquisition, purchase.

acquitter, to acquit.

aboiement, m,, bark, barking. abominable, nasty, abominable. d’abord, at first. aborder, to toucb, approach. aboyer, to bark. abriter, to shelter. abri, w., shelter. absorber, to absorb. accable, overwhelmed. accent, w,, accent. accentner, to accentuate. accessoire, m., accessories, prop- erty. accompagner, to accompany. aocomplir, to accomplish. accorder, to agree, to tune, to grant, to allow. acconrir, to run, to hasten; — au defiant de, to ran to meet. ^ accrocher, to hang, to fasten. 5l^ accneil, m , greeting, welcome, ^T|i^_ reception. ^^ acenaation ,/. , accusation, indict-

  • * ment, prosecution.

achat, m., purchase. acheter, to buy.

acteur. m., actor. admettre, to admit. administration, /, administra- tion, control. admirable, fine, admirable. adopter, to adopt. adonci, kind. adresse,/., skill. adresser, «’ — , to speak to, to address. adroit, skillful. afEiftble, kind, arable. a£Eaiblir, to weaken. aflBsiiro,/., affair, thing, business, affaisser, to sink down, to weaken. affection,/., affection. affectnenz, affectionate. affectnensement, affectionately. afin qne, in order that. affluent, m., branch, tributary, stream. affoler, to make very fond, to madden. affirenz, terrible, hideous, awful. agacer, to annoy.

  • &ge, m., age.