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Oxford French Books A Song Book PETIT RECUEIL DE CHANTS FRANQAIS, by H. Carter. Small edition, crown 8vo, pp. 86, containing words and tunes in both staff notation and tonic sol-fa. 2s. net. PREMIERES NOTIONS DE VOCABULAIRE ET DE LEC- TURE, par J. E. Pichon. With 3a illustrations and coloured frontispiece. Pp. iao. as. net. FRENCH WORDS & EXER- CISES FOR BEGINNERS, by Ada Sharpley. With illus- trations drawn by Stella Sharp- ley. Pp. 30. as. net. Readers? Introductory to French Life MA PREMIERE VIS1TE A PARIS, par A. E. C. New and enlarged edition, with vocabulary and exercises by E. R. Wyatt. Pp. 128, with 36 illustrations, as. Describes the journey, le Jardin des Plantes, le Mftro, Saint-Cloud, Ver- sailles, les Halles, &c. , in simple French. TROIS SEMAINES EN FRANCE, by L. Chouville and D. L. Savory. A French read- ing-book, with questions and exercises by F. M. S. Batchelor. With vocabulary, 13 illustrations, and a map. Pp. 154. 3s. net A story of a visit to Brittany and Normandy told as an introduction to French life and French history. For pupils of about 15 years of age. The MarcJtand System LA FAMILLE DUPONT, a First French Book, by Louis Marchand. With Grammar and Vocabulary adapted by C. R. Bonner. Pp. 144, illustrated. 3s. net. The method of teaching French offi- cially adopted in Alsace-Lorraine. Miss Batchelor’ 's Course MON PREMIER LIVRE DE FRANQAIS, by F. M. S. Batche- lor, with coloured frontispiece and many other illustrations by E. A. Pike. Cr. 8vo, pp. 18a. 3s. PHONETIC TRANSCRIPT of Chapters I-XV of the above. Pp. 44. is. gd. net. The two books together, 4s. net. MON SECOND LIVRE DE FRANQAIS, by F. M. S. Batche- lor, with illustrations by E. A. Pike. Pp. aa8. 3s. 6d. Composition FRENCH COMPOSITION FOR MIDDLE FORMS, by G. W. F. R. Goodridge. Pp. 94, with vocabulary, 3s. Covers the ground required for the Lower Certificate Examination of the Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board. SENIOR FRENCH COMPO- SITION, for Students and Upper Forms, with revision of syntax in French, by G. W. F. R. Good- ridge. Pp. 174. 3s. 6d. AN UP-TO-DATE FRENCH COMPOSITION. By F. C. Green and J. B, Fort. Pp. 6a. as. net. KEY to above, pp. 33. 4s. net. FRENCH COMPOSITION. By Marcel Moraud. With com- plete glossary. Pp. 132. 3s. net. CONTES, by Anatole France. Edited by C. J. M. Adie and P. C. H. de Satge. Pp. 170, with foot-notes, retranslation exercises and grammar, vocabu- lary, list of idioms, &c. as. 6d. A selection of stories from the great- est modern writer of French prose is here made the basis i>f & course in composition.