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Page:ONU - Résolutions et décisions du conseil de sécurité, 1949.djvu/23

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Note. The Council’s practice is to adopt at each meeting, on the basis of a provisional agenda circulated in advance, the agenda for that particular meeting ; the agenda as adopted for each meeting in 1949 will be found in the Official Records of the Security Council, Fourth Year, Nos. 1 - 54 (397th to 458th meetings). Once an item is included in the agenda it remains thereafter on the list of matters of which the Council is seized, until the Council agrees to its removal. At subsequent meetings an item may appear in its original form or with the addition of such sub-items as the Council may decide to include.

The following chronological list shows the meeting at which the Council decided to include each matter in its agenda for the first time. Item

Letter dated 14 January 1949 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council transmitting the resolution [192 (III)] adopted by the General Assembly at its 163rd meeting, 19 November 1948, concerning prohibition of the atomic weapon and reduction by onethird of the armaments and armed forces of the permanent members of the Security Council (S/1216)33



403rd 25 January 1949

Letter dated 19 January 1949 from the Acting Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea to the Secretary-General concerning the application of the Republic of Korea for admission to membership in the United Nations, and a declaration accepting obligations under the Charter (S/1238)34 .. 409th 15 February 1949

Letter dated 11 February 1949 from the representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics addressed to the President of the Security Council concerning the application of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for admission to membership in the United Nations (S/1256)35 409th

15 February 1949

Letter dated 13 February 1949 from the Director-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Nepal addressed to the Secretary-General concerning Nepal’s application for admission to membership in the United Nations (S/1266 and Add.l)36 423rd 8 April 1949

Letter dated 24 March 1949 from the Swiss Office for Liaison with the United Nations to the Secretary-General, transmitting a letter from the Head of the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein concerning the latter’s request to become a party to the Statute of the International Court of Justice (S/1298 and Corr. I)37 423rd 8 April 1949

M See Official Reau ds of she Security Council, Fourth Year, Supplement for January 1949. ■’ Ibid., Supplement for February 1949, ” Ibid, Foutth Year, No t2. 409lii meeting, pp. 14-15. •• Mimeographed documents.

” See Official Records of the Security Council, Fourth Year, Supplement for April 1949.