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Page:ONU - Résolutions et décisions du conseil de sécurité, 1949.djvu/25

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Item Meeting Date Letter dated 17 June 1949 from the representatives of Australia, Belgium, Colombia and France to the President of the Security Council concerning travelling expenses and subsistence allowances of alternate representatives on Security Council commissions (S/1338)88

432nd 27 July 1949 Cablegram dated 5 August 1949 from the Consular Commission at Batavia to the Secretary-General requesting that the United Nations assume future costs of military observers in Indonesia (S/1366)88

446th 16 September 1949 Demilitarization of the Jerusalem area, with special reference to General Assembly resolution 194 (III), dated 11 December 1948

450th 11 October 1949 •8 Ibid., Supplement for July 1949. •• Mimeographed document. 20