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Page:Revue de métaphysique et de morale - 1.djvu/635

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Mind. (Octobre 1893.) — Arthur James Balfour, A criticism of current idealistic theories. — E. E. C. Jones, On the nature of logical judgment. — Prof. H. Jones, Idealism and Epistemology (II). — C. L. Franklin, On theories of Light Sensation. — J. Ellis Mac Taggart, Time and the Hegelian dialectic (I).

Discussions : Survival of the Fittest and Sensation Areas, J. Mck Cattell. — Immediate Resemblance, W. James.

Philosophical Review. (Septembre 1893 ) — Prof. John Watson, Metaphysic and Psychology. — Dr Eliza Ritchie, The ethical implications of determinism. — Prof. James Seth, The truth of empiricism. — Dr Erich Adickes, German Kantian Bibliography.

International Journal of Ethics. (Octobre 1893.) — H. Sidgwick, My station and its duties. — W. L. Sheldon, What justifies private property. — John S. Billings, The effects of his occupation upon the physician. — Josiah Royce, The Knowledge of gord and evil. — C. M. Williams, On a phase of modern epicureanism.

Discussions : On the meaning of the term. « Motive » and on the Ethical Significance of Motives, D. G. Ritchie. — « On Human Marriage », A reply to C. N. Starcke, Edw. Westermarck. — Moral distinctions, Neville Tebbutt.


Rivista Italiana di Filosofia. (Septembre-octobre.) — R. Mariano, La dottrina dei XII Apostoli e la critica storica. — F. de Sarlo, Le teorie moderne sulla psicologia della suggestione. — G. M. Ferrari, Pensieri su’l tello.

Bollettino pedagogico e filosofico.

Necrologia : Jacob Frohschammer.