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Clintock (Mac) et Bing (Walter). The oral administration of antitoxins for prevention of diphtheria, tetanus, and possibly sepsis, with some observations on the influence of certain drugs in preventing digestion and promoting absorption from the alimentary canal (Journ. of infect. dis., 1906, 111).

Coca (A. F.). Die Ursache des plötztlichen Todes bei intravenöser Infection artfremder Blutkörper (Arch. für path. Anat. und Phys., CXCVI, 1909, 92-107).

Courmont (J.) et Cordier (V.). A. grave par deux cures sérothérapiques à deux ans d’intervalle (Discussion). (Lyon médical, 1910, 957-971).

Currie. Examples of the immediate and of the accelerated reaction following two injections of antidiphtherial serum (Journ. of Hyg., janv. 1907). — On the supersensitation of persons suffering from diphteria by repeated injections of horse serum (ibid.). — Abnormal reactions to horse serum in the serum treatement of cerebro-spinal fever (ibid., 1908).

Daniélopolu. Sur la sensibilisation de la conjonctive aux instillations répétées de tuberculine (B. B., 1909, (2), 727-729).

Davidsohn (H.) et Friedemann (U.). Untersuchungen über das Salzfeber bei normalen und a. Kaninchen (Arch. f. Hyg., 1909, LXXI, 9).

Dehne et Hamburger. Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Folgen parenterale Einverleibung von Pferdeserum (Wien. klin. Woch., 1904, no 29).

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