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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/169

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A. D. 1290. Anno decimo octavo Edwardi I. Stat. 2. 123

Another new Statute of Quo Warranto, Stat. 3. made the ſame Year to that Effect.[1]
Cotton MS. Claudius, D. 2.

PUR ceo brief qeſt dit quo Waranto eſtabliſt noſtre Seign’ le Roi le jour de la Pentecoſt lan de ſon regne xviii. qe touz ceux qi cleiment avoir quite poſſeſſion des fraunchiſes avant le

temps le Roi Richard ſaunz interrupcion & ceo

  1. This is taken, from the Secunda pars veterum Statutorum, and is in ſerted in the Editions of Mr. Juſtice Raſtal, &c,