Page:Russell, Whitehead - Principia Mathematica, vol. I, 1910.djvu/113

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errata : ,p. 91, line 8, delete "and in *3.03."

SUMMARY OF PART I. IN this Part, we shall deal with such topics as belong traditionally to symbolic logic, or deserve to belong to it in virtue of their generality. We shall, that is to say, establish such properties of propositions, propositional functions, classes and relations as are likely to be required in any mathematical reasoning, and not merely in this or that branch of mathematics. The subjects treated in Part I may be viewed in two aspects: (1) as a deductive chain depending on the primitive propositions, (2) as a formal calculus. Taking the first view first : We begin, in *1 (.alia iB *8’(33 ), with certain axioms as to deduction of one proposition or asserted propositional function from another. From these primitive propositions, in Section A, we deduce various propositions which are all concerned with four ways of obtaining new propositions from given propositions, namely negation, dis- junction, joint assertion and implication, of which the last two can be defined in terms of the first two. Throughout this first section, although, as will be shown at the beginning of Section B, our propositions, symbolicaHy unchanged, will apply to any propositions as values of our variables, yet it will be supposed that our variable propositions are all what we shall call elementary propositions, i.e. such as contain no reference, explicit or implicit, to any totality. This restriction is ilnposed on account of the distinction between different types of propositions, explained in Chapter II of the Intro- duction. Its importance and purpose, however, are purely philosophical, and so long as only mathematical purposes are considered, it is unnecessary to remember this preliminary restriction to elementary propositions, which is symbolically removed at the beginning of the next section. Section B deals, to begin with, with the relations of propositions contain- ing apparent variables (i.e. involving the notions of "all" or (( some") to each other and to propositions not containing apparent variables. We show that, where propositions containing apparent variables are concerned, we can define negation, disjunction, joint assertion and inlplication in such a way that their properties shall be exactly analogous to the properties of the corresponding ideas as applied to elementary propositions. We show also that formal i’mplicatioll, i.e. It (x) . cpx:> y.x" considered as a relation of 4>$ to y.5;, has many properties analogous to those of ’material i’lnplication, i.e. "p :> q"
