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Page:Sébillot - Le Folk-Lore des pêcheurs, 1901.djvu/21

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Principaux ouvrages cités

Andrews (J.-B), Contes ligures, Paris. 1892, in-18.

Bassett (Fletcher S.). Legends of the Sea. London, 1885, in-18.

Bertham (James G.)., The Harvest of the Sea, London, 1885, in-18.

Blind (Karl), News finds in Shetlandic Folk-Lore, Gentleman’s magazine. 1882

Bosquet (Amélie). La Normandie romanesque, Paris, 1845. in-18.

Brand, Popular Antiquities. London, 1849, in-18.

Bosman, A new Description of Guinea. London. 1721, in-18.

Castelli. Credenze ed uzi Sicilaini, Palerme. 1878 et 1880, in-8.

Chauvet (Horace), Légendes du Roussillon, Perpignan. 1899, in-18.

Daleau (F.), Traditions et superstitions de la Gironde, Bordeaux, 1889, in-8o.

Dasent, Popular tales from the Norse. Edimbourg, 1888. in-8o.

Dennett, Folk-Lore of the Fjort, London, 1898. in-8o.

Deseille (E.), Glossaire du patois des matelots boulonnais, Paris, 1884, in-8o.