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Page:Sébillot - Le Folk-Lore des pêcheurs, 1901.djvu/24

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Sébillot (Paul), Contes des landes et des grèves, Rennes, 1900, in-18.

Shortland (E). Maori Religion and Mythology. London, 1882. in-18.

Skeat (W ), Malay Magic, London, 1900, in-18.

Sproat, Scenes and Studies of Savage life, London, l.%8, in-12.

Swainson, Folk-Lore of british Birds. London, 1886, in-8o.

Taylor (R.), New Zeatand and his inhabitants, London 1856, in-8o.

Thorpe, Northern Mythology. London, 1851. in-8o.

Troil (de), Lettres sur l’Islande. Paris. 1718, in-8o.

Turner, Samoa a hundred years ago and long before, London, 1884, in-8o.

Vigon (Braulio), Folk-Lore de la Mar. ext de l’Archivio, t. viii.

Werner (amiral), Souvenirs maritimes, trad. française. Paris, 1884, in-8o.