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Page:Société des Nations Convention relative à l'esclavage 1926.djvu/16

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nor on the territories in Inaia oï uny Prince or Chief under the suzerainty of His I.I.i’- - :ty. I also déclare that my si^nâture to ^he Convention is not bindin^^ in retjpect of Article 3 in so far as that étiole r.iay require India to enter into any Oonver.tion v ;hereb’ vessels, reason of the faut that ihey are ownea , fitted out or ooaanded by Indians, or of the faot that onehalf of the crew is Indian. are olassified as native vessels. or are denied any privilège right or irnim-mity en ;îoyec h- eimilar vessels of other btates oigna tories of the oovenant or are maae sub ;)ejt to any liability or disability to v.hijh similar ships of suoh other 3tates are not sub^ect. BULGARIE BULGAHU CHINE COLOMBIE CHIHA COLOMB U CUBA