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Page:Stein - Manuel de bibliographie générale, 1897.djvu/444

La bibliothèque libre.
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A. Bushnell Hart. Formalion of the Union (1750-1829). New York, 1892, in-16. [Epochs of American history, IL]

Références bibliographiques en tète de chaque chapitre.

F. P. Harper. Catalogue of current and out-of-print books relating to the rébellion and slavery, including regimental historiés, states in the war, prison narratives, confédérale publications, niilitary biographies, naval history, confédérale newspapers, etc. New York, 1892, in-8.

Très utile catalogue de librairie.

W. Eaton Poster. Références to the constitution of United States. New York, 1890, in-12.

F. A. Grandall. Check-list of public documents, containing debates and proceedings from the first to the 53d Congress ; miscellaneous list of documents and historical and bibliographical notes. 2e éd. Washington, 1895, in-8.

Très important pour les publications officielles ; la 1re édon est de 1892 (par le D’Ames).

W. Eaton Foster. The literature of civil service reform in the United States. Providence, 1881, in-8.

D. W. Howe. A descriptive catalogue of the officiai publications of the territory and state of Indiana (1800-1890). Indianopolis, 1890, in-8. [Indiana historical Society, V.]

Relatif aux institutions et au droit public de cet État.

G. M. Asher. A bibliographical essay on the dutch books and pamphlets relating to New Netherlands. Amsterdam, 18541867, in-4.

E. D. Mead. The constitution of the United States. Boston, 1887, in-8.

W. A. Dunning. The constitution of the United States in civil war and reconstruction (1860-1867). New York, 1885, in-8.

Chacun de ces deux ouvrages contient des indications bibliographiques. — Pour l’histoire militaire, voir aussi ci-dessus, p. 414.

B. P. Poore. A descriptive catalogue of the governmeat Publications of the United States (1744-1881). Washington, 1885, in-8.