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Page:Tarsot - Fabliaux et Contes du Moyen Âge 1913.djvu/156

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le gosier, throat, le gouffre, abyss, le gout, taste.

gouter, to taste ; to enjoy, la grace, favour, mercy ; par- don ; grace a, thanks (be) to ; de grace, pray. le grain, grain, seed ; un grain de folie, a touch of madness.

grand, great ; tall, la grange, barn. gratter, to scratch, gravir, to climb. le gre, pleasure ; savoir gre a qqn. de qqch., to be grateful to s.o. for la grele, hail ; shower. la griffe, claw. la grillade, grilled slice. la grimace, grimace, " face." grimper (a), to climb, to

clamber (up). gris, gray.

gronder, to grumble ; to roar, to rumble ; to chide, to scold.

gros, big ; coarse, la grue, crane. le gue, ford ; passer a gue, to

ford, ne guere, hardly, not much,

not long.

guerir, to cure, heal, la guerison, cure, recovery, le guerisseur, curer of ills. la guerre, war, warfare ; faire la guerre (a), to wage war against. le guet, watch ; faire le guet,

to stand on watch, guetter, to watch. le guetteur, watcher, sentry, la gueule, mouth, jaws. . le gueux, beggar ; wretch, le guichet, wicket. la guide, bridle.

Guillaume, William. & sa guise, as he likes.


��(Words beginning with an h aspirate have an asterisk.) habile, clever, habilement, skilfully, un habillement, apparel, dress. habiller, to dress ; tout

habille, fully dressed. un habit, coat, garment;

habits, clothes, un habitant, inhabitant.

habiter, to inhabit, to live


habituer, to accustom, la *hache, axe. la *haie, hedge, les *haillons, m., rags.

  • hai’r (hai’ssant, hai’, hais),

to hate.

  • hai’ssable, hateful,

une haleine, breath. la *halle, covered market, le *hallier, thicket, la *haquenee, nag.

  • hardi, bold, daring,

la *hardiesse, boldness.

  • hardiment, boldly,

la *haridelle, sorry horse, le *hasard, chance ; le hasard fit que, it so happened that. se *hasarder, to venture, la *hate, haste ; a la hate, in


sc *hater, to make haste, le *haubert, hauberk, coat of

mail, le *haut, top.

  • haut, high, eminent ; loud ;

en haut, above.

  • hautement, loudly ; openly,

la *hauteur, height. le *heaume, helmet.

heberger, to lodge ; to

entertain. helas ! alas 1 une herbe, herb, grass.

  • herisser, to bristle,

un heritage, inheritance.

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