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Page:Vallée - Bibliographie des bibliographies, 1883.djvu/412

La bibliothèque libre.
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all the school books now in use. — London, printed in the year 1767, in-8o. 4639

* Newcome (W.). — An historical view of the english biblical translations : the expediency of revising by authority our présent translation : and the means of executing such a revision. — Dublin, printed by John Exshaw, 1792, in-8o. 4640

Les p. 387-428 renferment : a list of varions éditions of the bible and parts thereof in english from the year 1526 to 1776. — First printed : London, 1778.

* Nicard (P.). — Notice historique sur la vie et les écrits de M. de Blainville. (16 août 1850.) — Paris, imp. de J. Claye (s. d.), in-8o. 4641

* Nichols (J. G.). — A descriptive catalogue of the works of the Gambden Society : stating the nature of their principal contents, the periods of time to which they relate, the dates of their composition, their manuscript sources, authors, and editors. Accompanied by a classified arrangement and an index, and by some illustrative particulars that hâve arisen since their publication. — Westminster, printed by and for J. B. Nichols and sons, 1862, in-4 ». 4642

—. — Voy. Biographical anecdotes of William Hogarth.

Nicholson (Edw. B.). — Voy. Transactions and proceedings of the conférence of librarians.

— (H. Alleyne). — Bibliography of North American invertebrate paleontology. — Voy. Department of the interior. U. S. geological siirvey of the territories. Miscellaneous publications.

* Nicklès (F. J. J.). — Notice sur les travaux scientifiques de M. F. J. J. Nicklès. — Paris, imp. de Mallet-Bachelier (1854), in-4o 8 p. 4643

* Nicklès (J.). — Braconnot, sa vie et ses travaux. — Nancy, Grimblot et Vve Raybois, 1856, in-8. 4644

Ext. des Mémoires de l’Académie de Stanislas.

* Nicodeino (L.). — Addizioni copiose alla biblioteca Napoletana del dottor Niccolo Toppi. — Napoli, per Salvator Gastaldo, 1683, in-fol. 4645

Nicolai (F. von). — Nachrichten von alten und neuen Kriegs-Bûchern, welche den Feld— und Festungs-Krieg entweder abhandeln, oder erlâutern, nebst einer kurzen Beurtheilung derselben, aufgesetzt. — Stutgard, Cotta, 1765, in-8o. 4646

* — (R.). — Geschichte der rômischen Literatur. — Magdeburg, Heinrichshofensche Verlagshandlung, 1881, in-S ». 4647

Après chaque auteur se trouve l’indication des éditions et des travaux publiés sur lui.

* Nicolas (M.). — Notice sur la vie et les écrits de Laurent Angliviel de La Beaumelle. — Paris, Gherbuliez, 1852, in-8o, 44 p. 4648

* Nicolson (W.). — The english historical library. In three parts. Giving a short view and character of most of our historians either in print or manuscript : with an account of * our records, law-books, coins and other matters serviceable to the Undertakers of a gênerai history of England. The second édition corrected and augmented. — London, printed for Timothy Ghilde at the White-Hart, 1714, infol. 4649

* … — The third édition, corrected and augmented. To which is added a letter to… White Kennet,… in defence of the English historical library, etc. — London, 1736, in-fol.

* —. — The english historical library : or, a short view and character of most of the writers now extant, either