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Page:Voltaire - Lettres philosophiques, t. 1, éd. Lanson, 1915.djvu/107

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of his bread, nor drink a cup of his drink ». When Cromwell heard this, he said : « Now I see, there’s a people risen up and corne up, that I cannot win either with gifts, honours, offices or places, but all other sects and people, I can » (Sewel, 115). Cf. Croese, 75.

36. « I don’t find that in Cromwell’s time any laws were made to constrain people to frequent the worship of the publick or national church. But notwithstanding the quakers so called were imprisoned for refusing to swear, or for nor paying tithes to maintain the priests ; and they were whipped like vagabonds for preaching in markets or in other publick places ; or they were fined for not taking off their hats before magistrates ; for this was called contempt of the magistracy… And thus always a cloak and cover was found to persecute them » (Sewel, 96). — « So the king (Charles II) promised that we should not anyways suffer for our opinion of religion » (Sewel, 293) ; mais ils sont poursuivis pour refus de serment et de payer les dîmes (299 ; cf. encore 370-372 et 393-394 : dans ce dernier passage, Sewel compte 4.200 quakers en prison en 1662, et 500 à Londres). — Croese, pp. 155-157, 198-199, etc. — Josiah Martin objecte à Voltaire que le refus des dîmes, du serment et du chapeau sont des points de religion pour les quakers.

37. « Et prosperitatem et adversitatem gustasti ; nosti quid sit e patria ejici, quid sit opprimi et sub jugo esse non minus quam regnare ; et cum oppressus fueris, ignorare non potes quam odiosus sit oppressor et Deo et hominibus. Si post omnes istas exhortationes et admonitiones, toto corde te ad Deum non convertas, et illius obliviscaris, qui meminit tui in afflictionibus, sed temet ad luxum et vanitatem sequendam dederis, certe magna erit condemnatio tua ; contra quod periculum et tentationes eorum qui in malo te fovent, vel ad illud te fovent, praestantissimum et praevalentissimum remedium erit, ut ad lucem illam Christi conscientiae tuae illucentem temet applices, quae tibi nullo modo adulabitur… Sic exoptat, sic exorat ille qui fidelis tibi

amicus et subditus est
Robertus Barclius. »