Bolthorn, Bestla’s sire, and a draught obtained of the precious mead drawn from Odhr aerir —
Then I began to bear fruit and to know many things, to grow and well thrive : word by word I sought out words, fact by fact I sought out facts.
Runes thou wilt find, and explained characters, very potent characters, which the great speaker depicted, and the high powers fored, and the powers’ prince graved.
Un fils d’Odin vient plaider auprès de Hel (Hadès) pour la résurrection de Baldur. Elle répond : « If all things in the world, both living and lifeless, weep for him, then shall he return to the Æsir ; but if any one thing speak against him or refuse to weep, he shall be kept in Hel —
Tout pleure, hommes, animaux, pierres, arbres, métaux, sauf une sorcière, qui est Loki, son meurtrier. Les dieux capturent et supplicient Loki —
Baldur ne ressuscitera qu’à la fin du monde.
« I saw of Balder, the blood-stained god, Odin’s son, the hidden fate. There stood grown up, high on the plain, slender and passing fair, the mistletoe —
sons :
Thor, strongest of gods and men
The Virgin of the World — en anglais
Dr. Anna Kingsford