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Please move this to the Scriptorium, thanks.

Elitre (WMF) (discussioncontributions)

(moved because of not really helpful antispam filter.)

A note about a future change

Hi everyone. Some of you have already noticed this in m:Tech News as it's been already mentioned twice, but I wanted to flag again that because of an upcoming change, there's some code that may need to be fixed on this wiki:

You can find the list of the pages you'll want to check in a table on In most cases those are false positives (I have looked at some of those pages and looks like there are just several cases of bad OCR), and you only really need to fix as explained on when the "defective" syntax is inside a template or a wikilink, basically. When you have completed the checks, please edit the Notes field of the table accordingly! If you have questions, please reach the team on the talk page. Hope this helps, and thanks for your attention and your help.

VIGNERON (discussioncontributions)


It's done (with some explanations).

Could you tell me what triggered the antispam filter? (I see nothing that should have...)

We will need to check but at the first glance, it seems to be only bad OCR.

Elitre (WMF) (discussioncontributions)

I didn't get details. FWIW I get this every time I have an announcement like that to post here, it's quite annoying. Maybe you can try yourself with that wikitext and see if you can locate what triggers it.

VIGNERON (discussioncontributions)

This is indeed quite annoying, I've found that it was Spécial:Filtre_antiabus/13 (not a surprise, we had some troubles with this filter in the past). I'll ask to someone who know the filter better than I do. The good news is that this filter have a user_editcount < 2 condition and with this conversation you know have more than 2 edits so it shouldn't be a problem anymore.

Phe (d · c) peux-tu regarder ce qui a déclenché le filtre ? (étrangement, je ne vois aucun lien posant problème ici).

VIGNERON (discussioncontributions)

Hi again Elitre (WMF) (d · c),

I've finally launched AWB and removed all the -{ on frws (it was indeed only bad OCR). I'll do it on enws too.

Elitre (WMF) (discussioncontributions)

Please note that the fix isn't really necessary if the syntax is not in a template or a link. But since you use AWB, other Wikisources would probably appreciate that help too?

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