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Page:Almanach de Québec, 1780.djvu/29

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[ 29 ]

VI. When the Troops go into Quarters, the Captains of Militia are to lodge the Officers as conveniently as in their Power, the Soldiers two and two, and only one in poor Houſes ; this being ſettled, the number in any one Houſe is not to be changed without the Knowledge of the Captains of Militia.

VII. The Officers ſhall have ſuch a Room as the Habitans can afford, a Bed, tho’ not the Landlord’s, a Table, three Chairs, and Lodging for his Servant ; he ſhall be warmed, and have the Means of dreſſing his Victuals : If the Officer has a Room to himſelf, Fuel ſhall be furniſhed him, by the whole of the Habitans, upon the Repartition of it made by the Captains of Militia.

VIII. The Saldiers ſhall be intitled in their Quarters to a Bed to two, with a good Paillaſſe, Blanket, and a pair of Sheets to be changed every Month ; they ſhall be allowed the Means of dreſſing their Proviſions, and have their Seats at the Landlord’s Fire and Light.

IX. When the Officers commanding the Troops in the ſeveral Quarters ſhall have Occaſion for Carriages, they are to require the ſame in writing of the Captains of Militia, ſpecifying for what Service they are deſigned, agreeable to which the ſame are to be paid for.
