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Cervantes. — Théâtre de Cervantes, traduit par Alphonse Royer. Paris, Michel Levy, 1862.

Chambers. — Chambers's Encyclopœdia, a Dicttonary of Universal Knowledge for the People. 10 vols. Edinburgh, W. and R. Chambers, 1883.

R. Chambers. — Cyclopœdia of English Literature, a history Critical and Biogra- phical of British Aulhors, from the Earliest to the Présent Times, edited by Robert Chambers. 2 vols. Edinburgh, W. and R. Chambers, s. d.

R. Chambers. — The Book of Days, a miscellany ofPopular Antiquities in connection with the Calendar, etc., edited by R. Chambers, 2 vols. Edinburgh, W. and R. Chambers, 1863.

Chambers. — Chambers's Miscellany of Usefvl and Entertaining Tracts. — Edinburgh, "William and Robert Chambers, n. d.

Ghamfort. — Œuvres complètes de Chamfort, recueillies et publiées avec une notice historique sur la vie et les écrits de l'auteur, par P. R. Augtiis. 5 vols. Paris, chez Chaumerot jeune, 1824.

Chauger. — Poeiical Works, edited. by Richard Morris. London, Bell and Daldy.

Craik. — A manual of English Literature and of the History of the English Lan- guage from the Norman Conquest, by George L. Craik. 2 vols. Leipzig, Bernhard Tauchnitz, 18'74.

GoLERlDGE. — The Poetical Works of Samuel Coleridge, edited with a critical memoir, by William Michael Rossetti. London, E. Moscou, s. d.

Spécimens of the Table Talk of the late Samuel Taylor Coleridge. London, George Routledge and Sons.

CowPER. — The Poetical Works of William Cowper, edited with notes and bio- graphical. Introduction by William Benham. London, Macmillan and C", 1810

Crabbe. — The Life and Poetical Works of the Rev. George Crabbe, edited by His Son. London, John Murray, 1860.

Mac Crie. — The Religion of Our Literature, by George Mac Crie. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1875.

George Eliot. — The Works of George Eliot. Essays and Leaves from a Note Book. William Blackwood and Sons, London, 1885.

Elton. — Origins of English History, by C. /. Elton. London, Quaritch, 1890.

Emerson. — The complète Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, comprising Ms Essays, Lectures, Poems and Orations. 2 vols. London, Bell and Daldy, ISIS.

Letters and Social Aims by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Chatto and Windics, 18T7.

M""" d'Epinay. — Mémoires de M'^« d'Epinay, édition nouvelle et complète, etc., par Paul Boiteau. 2 vols. Paris, G. Charpentier, 1884.

FÉTIS. — La Musique mise à la portée de tout le monde, par F. J. Fétis. Troisième édition. Paris, Brandus, 1847.

John FoRSTER. — The Life and Times of Oliver Goldsmith, by John Forster. London, Ghapman and Hall, 1876.

Claude Gauchet. — Le Plaisir des champs, avec la Vénerie, Volerie et Pescherie, Poème en quatre parties, par Claude Gauchet. Edition revue et annotée par Prosper Blanchemain. Paris, Librairie A. Franck, 1868.