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the surveyors employed on the part of the British Government and the United States of America, under instructions of the commissioners appointed for determining the boundary between the British colonies and the territory of the United States of America, under the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th articles of the treaty of Ghent, surveyed by Lieut.-Col. Bouchette, His Majesty’s Surveyor General, appointed for that purpose by the British Government, Quebec, 1817 (manuscrit) ; 3o Topographical Map of the Province of Lower Canada, dedicated to H. R. H. the Prince Regent of the United Kingdom, engraved by J. Walker and Sons, Published by W. Faden, London, 1815 ; 4o Map of the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, with the adjacent parts of the United States of America, compiled from the latest surveys, and adjusted from the most recent and approved astronomical observations, 1815, publié par le même ; 5o Description topographique de la province du Bas-Canada, avec des remarques sur le Haut-Canada et sur les relations des deux provinces avec les États-Unis d’Amérique, enrichie de plusieurs vues, plans de ports, de batailles, etc., Londres, Davidson, Lembard Street 185, in-8. On y trouve le portrait de l’auteur ; 6o Topographical Map of the Districts of Quebec, Three Rivers, St. Francis and Gaspé, Lower Canada, dedicated to His Majesty William IV, engraved by J. and C. Walker and published by J. Wyld, Geographer to the King, London, 1831 ; 7o Topographical Map of the District of Montreal, Lower Canada, also a large section of Upper Canada, London, 1831 ; 8o The British Dominions in North America, or a topographical and statistical description of the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, the Islands of Newfoundland, Prince Edward, Cape Breton, etc. ; and a topographical Dictionary of Lower Canada. To which are annexed the statistical table and tables of distances published with the author’s topographical maps of Lower Canada in consequence of a vote of the Provincial Legislature ; embellished with Vignettes, Views, Landscapes, Plans of towns, harbours, battles, etc., London, Longman, 1831, 3 vol. 4to. — Joseph Bouchette, fils, digne élève de son père et héritier de sa réputation, a continué ses travaux. Un de ses frères a été employé aux Indes en qualité d’ingénieur.

Bougainville (Louis Antoine de), célèbre navigateur, né à