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Page:Corneille - Polyeucte, édition Masson, 1887.djvu/88

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NEW FKnD COMPLETE COURSE OF STRICILY O&ADVATED Grammatical & Idiomatîc Studies of the French Language Exhibiting a System of Exercises peculiarly calculated to promote a Colloquiol Eiiowledgo of the French Language. BY AIGRE DE CHARENTE, Late qf the Eoyal Militari/ Aeademy, Woolwieh ; and the Royal Military Collège, Sandhurst ; Prof essor of Freneh at the Staff CoUege ; Examiner to the Civil Service, the War Office, ^e,, ^e» rOURTBBKTH BDZTZOW. LoNDON, 1877. The CoURSi ifl diyided into Four Parts (Grammar and Exercises), which may be had as follows : — GEAMMAR. EXERCISES. s. d. s. d. urt I. — Prononciation — Part I. — Prononciation — Accidence 2

Accidenoe 1 6 „ II.— French and Eng- „ II. — Frenoh and Eng- lîflh Syntax Com- lish Syntax Com- pared 2

pared 2

„ m.— Gallicîsms and „ m.— Gallicisms and Anglicisms 2 6 Anglicisme 1 6 „ IV.— Syntaxe de Con- „ IV.— Syntaxe de Con- struction — Syntaxe d’Accord— DifiScul- struction — S^tax d’Accord — Difficul- tés ... 2

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