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Page:Harbottle - Dictionary of quotations French and Italian, 1904.djvu/128

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“La science est un très bon et utile baston, mais qui ne se laisse pas manier à toutes mains, et qui ne le sçait bien manier en reçoit plus de dommage que de profit.”

Charron. La Sagesse. Préface.

“Science is a very good and useful staff but one not to be handled by every hand, and whoso cannot handle it well receiveth therefrom more injury than advantage.”

“La sepmaine des trois jeudis.”

Rabelais. Pantagruel, II., 1.

“The week of the three Thursdays.”

“La societe est composee de deux grandes classes: ceux qui ont plus
de dines que d’appetit, et ceux qui ont plus d’appetit que de dines.”

Chamfort. Maximes et Pensées, Chap. III. (Ed. 1824. Vol. I., p. 377.)

“Society is composed of two large classes : those who have more dinners
than appetite, and those who have more appetite than dinners.”

“La solitude est a l’esprit ce que la diéte est au corps.”

Vauvenargues. Reflexions et Maximes, 609.

“Solitude is to the mind what dieting is to the body.”

“La sottise et la vanity sont compagnes inseparables.”

Beaumarchais. La Mere Cowpahle, Act II., So. VII.—(Figaro.)

“Folly and vanity are inseparable companions.”

“La statue de Mercure ne deist estre faicte de tous bois indifferentement.”

Rabelais. Pantagruel, IV., 62.

“The statue of Mercury must not be made of every wood indifferently.”

“De tout bois, comme on diet, Mercure on ne faéonne.”

Mathurin Regnier. Satyres, I. (Ed. 1617, p. 3.)

“Not in all wood, they say, may Hermes’ form be carved.”

“La temperance et le travail sont les deux vrais médecins de Thomme,”

J. J. Rousseau. Emile, Livre I.

“Temperance and toil are the two real physicians of mankind.”

“La terre est aux mortels une maison commune:
Dieu séme en tous endroits nostre bonne fortune.”

Garnier. Bradamente, Act II., Sc. III.—(Bradamante.)

“Earth is a home that all mankind doth share:
God sows good fortune for us everywhere.”

“La terre ne pent pas rester sans autel, et Dieu seul est assez fort contre Dieu.”

Lamartine. Histoire des Girondins, Livre IV., Chap. VII.

“The earth cannot remain without an altar, and only God is strong to prevail against God.”