“Tout cherche son bien-etre et chacun vit pour soi :
Des étres animés c’est l’immuable loi.”
“Each his well-being seeks, each for himself doth live;
To all things Nature this unchanging law doth give.”
“Tout citoyen est roi, sous un roi citoyen,”
“’Neath a citizen king, all his subjects are kings.”
“Tout cœur infidele est un monstre en morale.
“A heart unfaithful is a moral monster.”
“Tout comprendre rend trés indulgent.”
“Full understanding makes us most indulgent.”
“Tout est dit, et l’on vient trop tard depuis plus de sept mille ans
qu’il y a des hommes et qui pensent.”
“Everything has been said, and we come too late by more than seven
thousand years, since when there have been men, and men who
“Tout est dit, tout devient commun.
Les Conquérans voudroient un nouveau monde;
C’est aux Rimeurs qu’il en faut un.”
“All’s commonplace, all has been said before.
Great conquerors have cried for a new world.
But, as I think, the Rhymesters need one more.”
“Toutes les bonnes choses ont été dites avant moi.”
“All the good things have been said by others before me.”
“On a tout dit.”
“Everything has been said.”
“Rien de nouveau dans la nature et dans les arts. Tout ce
qu’on fait a été fait ; tout ce qu’on dit a éte dit; tout
ce qu’on reve a été revé.”
“There is nothing new in nature or the arts. Whatever we do has been done; whatever we say has been said; whatever we dream has been dreamed.”
“Je suis venu trop tard dans un siècle trop vieux.”
“Too late I came into too old a world.”