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Page:Harbottle - Dictionary of quotations French and Italian, 1904.djvu/259

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“Amor, aspro fanciullo,
A scherno ogni alma prende,
E fa più fier trastullo
Di chi più gli contrasta e si difende.”

Guidi. La Dafne.—(Peneo.)

“Love, that ill-mannered boy,
Of every heart makes game,
And most delights to toy
With him who most resists and shuns his flame.”

“Amor ch’ al cor gentil ratto s’apprende,
Prese costui de la bella persona
Che mi fu tolta, e ’l modo ancor m’ offende.
Amor ch’ a nullo amato amar perdona.
Mi prese del costui piacer sì forte
Che come vedi ancor non m’abbandona.”

Dante. Inferno, V., 100.

“Love, to which gentle heart so quickly tends,
Made captive this one of my form so fair
Snatcht from me in a way that still offends.
Love that each loved one makes the passion share
For him inspired me a delight so sweet,
That, as thou seest, he has not left me here."—(J. I. Minchin.)

“Amor che nella mente mi ragiona,
Comincio egli allor si dolcemente
Che la dolcezza ancor dentro mi suona.”

Dante. Purgatorio, II., 112. (Cf. Convito, Trat. III.)

“‘Love that now parleys with me in my mind,’
So sweetly then did he begin the strain,
That lingers yet the dulcet sound behind."—(J. I. Minchin.)

“Amor con sue vicende
Ora leva il cervello, ora lo rende.”

Goldoni. Arcifanfano, Act II., Sc. VIII.—(Arcifanfano.)

“Love, changing in a crack.
Now takes our brains away, now brings them back.”

“Amor de’ far gentile un cor villano,
E non far d’un gentil contrario effetto.”

Ariosto. Orlando Furioso, XXXII., 93.

“Far other thoughts should generous love impart;
He melts the stern, not steels the gentle heart."—(Hoole.)

“Amor e ’l cor gentil sono una cosa,
Siccome il saggio in suo dittato pone:
E così esser l’un sanza l’altro osa
Com’ alma razional sanza ragione.”

Dante. Sonetto X.

“Love is naught other than a feeling heart;
So in his proverb doth the sage insist.
No more the one can from the other part,
Than without reason, reasoning soul exist.”