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Page:La rebellion de 1837 à Saint-Eustache.djvu/280

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officier âgé de 20 ans seulement, de simple lieutenant qu’il était à la bataille de Chateauguay, fut promu eh 18 15 au grade plus élevé de premier lieutenant, comme l’indique la commission suivante :

" By His Excellency

" Sir George Prévost, baronet, captain gênerai and " governor in chief in and over the provinces of Lower

    • Canada, Upper Canada, Nova Scotia, New-Brunswick,

" and their several dependencies, vice-admiral of the " same, gênerai and commander of ail His Majesty’s " forces in the said provinces of Lower-Canada and

    • Upper-Cahada, Nova Scotia and New-Brunswick, and

" in the Islands of Cape Breton, New-Foundland, the

    • Bermudas, etc., etc., etc.

" To lieutenant Maximilian Globensky.

"I do by thèse présents constitute and appoint you to be

  • ^ first lietUenant in the corps of light infantry canadian vol-
    • tigeurs, and of which lient, colonel Charles de Salaberry
    • is appointed, for the time being, commandant and super-
  • ’ intendant ; you are iherefore carefully and diligently to
    • discharge the duty oifirst lieutenant, by exercising and

" well disciplining both the inferior officers and men of

    • that corps ; and I do hereby command them to obey
    • you as a first lieutenant : and you are to observe and
    • follow such orders and directions, from time to time,

" as you shall receive from me, or any other your superior " officer, according to the rules and articles laid down