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Page:La rebellion de 1837 à Saint-Eustache.djvu/311

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La partie de sa déclaration qu’on va lire et qui se rattache au récit fabuleux du dit Félix Payriard dit Bou- guignon, prouvera que cet homme a menti et que les historiens auraient tort de croire à des mensonges faits par des scieurs de bois, pour ensuite les consigner comme vrais dans les annales de l’histoire du pays.


Montréal i4th March, 1878.

C. A. M. Globensky, Esq.,

St. Eustache, P. Q. Dear Sir,

In compliance with your request I will give you my recollections of the facts and events that happened in the year 1837 at St. Eustache.

I will first State that I belonged to a squadron of volunteer cavalry raised in Montréal several years pre- viously, in one troop of which commanded by Captain Billingham, now the member for Argenteuil, I was Lieutenant.

On the iith of December 1837, I was ordered with ail the men who had not already proceeded to join the main body of the troops to march to St-Martin, the head quarters of the forces. On our arrivai I found there one company of Her Majesty’s 32nd Régiment, one gun and a few artillerymen.

On the i8th, Her Majesty’s Royal Régiment the 83rd