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Page:La rebellion de 1837 à Saint-Eustache.djvu/312

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and the balance of the 32nd, as also two companies of volunteer Rifles with the commander of the Forces and StafF, arrived at St-Martin in the evening, also a Battery or demi-Battery of Royal Artillery : accompanying thèse were two more Troops of Cavalry, and one company of St-Eustache volunteers under the command of M. Globensky.

On the i4th about 5 A. M. the rheil wâs sounded and orders given to fall in.

The whole force then started for St-Eustache ; ail the Regulars, Horse, Foot, and Artillery marched straight to St-Elzéar, and after foUowing the Côte’St-Elzéar road, say for two or^three miles, turned down towards the River which was crossed on the ice about midway between Porteous Bridge and Moulin à la Dalle, every man leading his horse in indian file about 20 paces apart without any casualty, with the exception of one gun which broke through, but was afterwards recovered.

In the meantime the St-Eustache volunteer com- pany had been ordered to march by the main or ordinary travelled road between St-Martin and St-Eus- tache on the south side, so as to efiect a junction with Her Majesty’s troops on their arrivai at St-Eustache.

The bulk of the troops followed after crossing the river, the north bank of the Ottawa towards St- Eustache without seeing the shadow of a single rebel, but when within a mile of St-Eustache a couple of rebel companies were seen crossing the river to the- opposite side, their intention being to meet the company