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Page:Lambert - Journal d'un bibliophile, 1927.djvu/132

La bibliothèque libre.
Cette page a été validée par deux contributeurs.

"The Association Canada-American are owners of a collection of 4,000 volumes on Trench Settlements in America. Among this collection many of the books date back as far as the sixteenth century with old wood engravings to illustrate their contents.

"The volumes are written mostly by French authors, among whom are Garneau, Ferland, Charlevoix and Casgrain.

"One of the books is entitled "New Discovery of a Large Country Situated in America", by Rev. Father Louis de Hannepin and was published in Amsterdam in 1681. It belonged to François Joseph Talma, who was born in 1763 and who was one of the most fanions tragedians of his time, making his débuts as an actor in 1787 at the Comédie Française in Paris.

"Another old and interesting book in the collection is one which was published in Paris in 1753 on the voyage made by order of the King of France in 1750 and 1751 to North America to ratify maps of l’Acadie, Royal Island and the Newfoundland properties of America.

"This book was at one time the property of Jacques Viger, the first mayor of Montréal, Que. Only two complete collections of this work are known to be in existence in this country."

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D’une correspondance de Mme A. Therrien, se-