Page:Le livre des petits enfants ou recueil de récits mis à la portée du premier âge, 1851.djvu/184

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much surprised—comment, how—osé, dared—déclarer, to reveal—un trésor si bien caché, a treasure so well concealed—répondit, answered—c’est, it is—parce que, because—toujours, always—la vérité, the truth. Hé bien ! well ! — le brigand, the highwayman — attendri, affected—de la belle conduite, by the beautiful conduct—qu’il lui laissa (that he to-him left), that he left him—on dit, they say—même, even—ayant, having—touché, No. III.—son cœur, his heart—il renonça, he renounced—pour toujours, for ever—vilain métier, vile trade—ses compagnons, his companions— suivirent son exemple, followed his example—l’on affirme (one affirms), it is affirmed—tous devinrent des honnêtes gens, they ail became honest people. No. VII.

Honnête, No. VI.—mendiant, beggar. Jean perdit, John lost—à l’âge, at the âge—quatre, four—ans, No. I.—il n’était pas, he was not—assez grand (enough big), big enough—gagner sa vie, No. VI.—il se mit, No. IV.—à mendier, to beg—aimait, No. I.

Un homme, No. V.—fort riche, very rich—vint, came—passer, to pass—quelques, No. VI.—jours, No. III.—à Lyon, at Lyons—rencontra, met—sur la place des Terreaux, in the Place des Terreaux—pauvre,