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Page:Mallarmé - Œuvres complètes, 1951.djvu/1170

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70. — Verbe régulier. 1. He that speaks, sows; he that heurs, reaps. 2. If thou dealest with a fox, think of his tricks. 3. Make a model before thou buildest. 4. The soûl is not where it lives, but where it loves. 5. Old man, when thou diest, give me thy doublet. 6. To love it, as a dog loves a whip. 7. When the old dog barks, he gives counseh 8. Who hunts two hares, leaves one and loses the other. g. Thou singest as a boy called swine. 10. Ii" the doctor cures, the sun sees it; but if he kills, the earih hides it. 71. — Verbes réguliers : cas spéciaux. 1. A close mouth catches no Aies. 2. A moneyless man goes fast through the market. 3. Every one can keep house better than her mother till she tries. 4. He that dies pays ail debts. 5. An envious man waxes lean with the fatness of his neighbour. 6. When you die, your trumpeter will be buried. 7. Hunger fetches the wolf of the woods. 8. When a goose dances and a fool versifies, there is sport. 9. When pride rides, shame lackeys. 10. The last boy always carries the greatest fiddle. 72. — Verbe régulier : temps composé (passé). 1. It is a base thing to betray a man because he trusted you. 2. The used key is always bright. 3. We, hounds, killed the hare, quoth the lap dog. 4. You hâve not licked your lips, since you lied last. 5. What cannot be cured, must be endured. 6. Weak things united become strong. 7. Wealth and honours can never cure a wounded conscience. 8. Small faults indulged are little thieves, that let in greater. g. ’Tis pity thou art not a little more tonguetied. 10. She goes as if she cracked nuts with her tail. 73. — Verbe régulier. Temps composés (futur de simple énoncé). 1. Cast a bone in the devil’s teeth and it will save you. 2. A crooked stick will hâve a crooked shadow. 3. A blind man will not thank you for a looking glass.