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Page:Order of the governor in chief in council, of the 4th June, 1818, for the regulation of commerce, between this province and the United States of America, Bilingual EN-FR, 1818.djvu/8

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shall extend or be construed to extend to subject or to continue subject to any Duties whatever, the following articles or any of them upon Importation of the same into this Province from the United States of America, by Land or Inland Navigation, that is to say :— 1. Gold, and Silver Coin or Bullion. 2. Masts, Yards, Bowsprits, Spars, Planks, Boards, Knees, Futtocks or ship Timber of any kind. 3. Pitch, Tar, Turpentine, Rosin, Hemp, and Flax. 4. Hoops, Shingles, Clapboards, Trees, Lathwood, Staves, Timber square and round, and Lumber of any kind. 5. Seeds, Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley, Potatoes, Indian Corn, Beans, Pease, Rice, or Grain of any kind. — 6. Fresh Fish, Horses, Neat Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Poultry, or other live Stock or live Provisions of any kind. 7. Pot and Pearl Ashes, Butter, Cheese, Honey, Furs and Skins, undressed Hides or Skins, Pig Iron, Tallow, or Flour of Wheat, Indian Corn, Rye, Oats, Barley, or other Grain of any kind. And that all, each and every. Ordinance and Act of the Provincial Parliament of this Province, whereby any or either of the above-mentioned articles is subject to any Duty upon Importation into this Province from the United States of America, by Land or Inland Navigation, shall be and the same is hereby suspended.

III. And His Excellency the Governor in Chief by and with the advice and consent of the said Executive Council doth further order that before any such Flour so permitted to be imported as aforesaid into this Province from the said United States shall be allowed to pass any of the hereafter mentioned ports of entry and clearance, a Bond shall be entered into by the Owner or Importer thereof, with two sufficient Sureties, to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors in double the value of the said Flour that the same and every part thereof shall be well and truly exported from this Province, and that no part thereof shall be consumed therein ; which Bond shall not be afterwards discharged or delivered up until a Certificate shall have been obtained from the Collector and Comptroller of His Majesty’s Customs at the Port of Quebec, that the Flour for which such Bond shall have been given as aforesaid, has been duly shipped for exportation from this Province, which Certificate the said Collector and Comptroller are hereby required to grant, upon the oath of the Owner of the said Flour, of that of his Agent, that the said Flour or Meal so shipped for exportation is the same for which Bond may have been given as aforesaid. And in case no such Certificate shall be obtained and produced within Six Months from the day of the date of such Bond, to the Collector or other Officer of His Majesty’s Customs by whom such Bond may have been taken, it shall and may be lawful for the said Collector or other Officer to cause such Bond to be put in suit.

IV. And His Excellency the Governor in Chief by and with the advice and con-