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Page:Trent - Litterature americaine.djvu/424

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Considération on Behalf of the Colonies, 97.
Conspiracy of Kings, 121.
The Conspiracy of Pontiac, 384.
The Conirast, 137, 138.
Conversations, 292.
Conversations in Rome, 228.
Conversations with Children, 206.
Cooke (Frederick), 138.
Cooke (John Esten), 340.
Cooke (Philip Pendleton), 309, 340.
Couper (James Fenimore), 2, 57, 148, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 172, 180, 214, 228, 229, 230, 235.
236, 239, 254, 257, 258, 261, 340, 402.
Copley (John Singleton), 130.
Cortez. 181.
Cotter’s Saturday Night, 282.
Cotton (Rév. John), 14, 17, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 66.
Count Frontenac, 38.5.
Courtship of Miles Standish, 274.
The Court of Fancy, 67.
Cowley, 60, 69.
Cowper, 102, 143, 176.
Cozzens (Frederick S.), 365.
Craiich (Christophe Pearch), 210, 227.
The Crater, 167.
The Crisis, 105.
Creighton, 30.
The Croaker Papers, 180.
Crockett (David), 370.
Cullen (William), 176.
The Culprit Fay, 180.
Cummins (Miss Maria S.), 341.
Curtis (George William), 204, 342, 350, 369, 380, 394, 395.
Cyclopædia of American Literature, 389.


Daily Advertiser, 361.
Damsel of Peru, 179.
Dana (Miss). 203, 205.
Dana (Richard Henry), 177, 182,183.
Dante, 215, 296, 306, 310.
Daudet, 233, 240.
Davenant, 20.
Davidson (Margaret Miller), 156.
Davies (Samuel), 80.
Davis (Charles Augustus), 361.
Davis (Jefferson), 396.
The Day-Dreaking, 48.
The Day of Doom, 20.
Daye (Stephen), 13.
Days of my Youth, 145.
Death of Flowers, 179.
Déclaration, 107.
The Deerslayer, 166.
Defoe, 138.
Democracy Unveiled, 133.
Démocratie Review, 232, 234.
Démocratie Vistas, 333, 334.
Denham, 119.
Dcnnie (Joseph), 141, 142, 143.
Dcr Arme llciwich, 273.
Derby (George Horalio), 367.
The Dial, 210, 216, 221, 228, 285, 292.
Dickens, 153, 341, 359.
Dickinson (John), 102, 103.
Dictionary of British and American Authors, 389.
Diplomatie Correspondance, 373.
Discourse Concerning Unlimited Submission, 99.
Discourses on Davila, 129.
Dissertations, 130.
The Direrting IJistory ofJohn Bull, 150.
Divine Comédie, 274, 311.
Divine Songs for Children, 114.
The Divine Tragcdy, 273.
D’ Grimshinve’s Secret, 237.
Dnlliver Romance, 237.
Donne (John), 14.
The DotK’n E asters, 171.
Douglas (William), 79, 402.
Drake (Joseph Rodman), 180, 181, 358.
Drayton (Michaël), 12, 14.
The Dream of a Day, 186.
Dreani Life. 342.
Drcd, 34(1, 347.
Drisler (Henry). 392.
Drum Taps, 332.
Dry.len, 20, 58, 60, 69, 310.
Dudlev (Thomas), 15.
Dulany (Daniel). 98.
Dunciad, 66.
Dunlap (William). 137, 138, 140.
Dutchvian s Firexide, 151.
Duyckinck (Evert et Georges), 389.
Dwight (John S.), 20i.
Dwight (Théodore), 116.
Dwight (Timothy), 114, 115, 117, 118, 140, 195, 349.
Dyer, 67.