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Earth, 141.
Edgar Huntley, 141.
Edgeworth (Miss). lt> ».
Edinburgh Review, 200.
Eggleston (Edward), 378.
Edward Evorelt. IS’J, U»0, 201.
Edwards (Jonathan), 3’.', 5('>, tib, 70, 71, 80,. 81, 82, 83, S^i, 85, 117, 194, l’JS.
Edivin Brulliertoft, 350.
Eikonoklasles, 46.
Eliol (George). 348, 349.
Eliot (John), 13, 19, 32, 33, ’lO, 45, 4S.
El Do/ado, 316.
EUic l’enner, 283, 286, 287, 3’j2.
The Embargo, 176.
Emerson (Marv Moodv), 213.
Emerson (Ralph Waldo), 2, 199, 200, 201, 202, 2n5, 207, 209. 210,
212, 213, 215, 216. 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227,
228, 233, 236, 237, 252, 253, 257, 258, 265. 266, 267, 287, 291, 327,
330, 333. 393.
Emerson (William), 213.
Emmons (Nathanael), 195.
Enéide, 227.
Enfer, 310.
English Note-Books, 237.
Enelish Traits, 216, 219, 236.
Epictète, 221.
Epitaph made by his Mari, 16.
Era, 34Ô.
Essais, 87.
An Eisat/ for thc Recording of Illustrions Providences, 50.
Essaijs and Poems, 227.
Essays and Refien’s, 391.
Essays to do Good, 51.
Eureha, 249, 25b.
Euta» 262.
Evangeline, 272, 27’i.
Evans (Nathaniel), 67, 68.
The Evening Mirror, 131, 247,
Evening l’ost, 178, IHO.
Everett (Edward). 213, 373, 396, 397.
Examination, 91.
Excursions, 225.
Expostulation, 278.


A Fable for Critics, 293, 294, 303.
Falconer, 65.
Familiar Leitcrs, 225.
The Family Meeting, 184.
Fansliawc, 231 .
Farrnrr’s Allininax, 36S.
Tlic Farmers Weckly Muséum, 141.
Farrago, 143.
The Fate of Mansfield Humphreys, 390.
Faust, 318.
The Federalist, 107, 108.
Felton (Cornélius C), 392.
Fernandi) de Lemos, 377
Fessenden (Thomas Green)], 133, 357.
The Feu de Joie, 110.
Fichte, 200.
Fielding, 138, 301, 359.
Fields (James T.), 234, 297.
Filmer (Sir Robert), 101.
Fiske (John), 378.
Fiske (Mr.), 385.
Flint (Rév. Timolhy), 188.
Fins h Times, 364.
Folger (Peter), 18.
The Foresters, 180.
The Forrst Ilymn, 178.
Forrest (Edwin), 260.
La Fortune de la République, 217.
Foster (Stephen Collins), 365.
Fourier, 201, 203, 204.
Franccsca da Rimini, 321.
Francis (Convers), 202.
Franklin (Benjamin), :{U, 53, 56, 57, 58, 63, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 80, 85, 86. 87, 88, 89, 90. 91, 92, 103, 104, 106, 107, 110, 129, 130, 132,
151, 264, 357, 358, 373, 402.
Freedom of the Witl, 85.
Freeman (James), 196.
French and Jtalian Note-Books, 236.
Freneau (Philip), 104, 110, 111, 113, 114, 176, 357.
Froude, 381.
Fugitive Poetry, 241, 270.
Fuller (Margaret), 203, 205, 207, 209, 210, 211, 212, 215, 227, 233,
241, 270, 388.
Fuller (Timothy), 208.
Fulton (Robert), 128, 362.
A Funeral Song, 20. i7