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Page:Trent - Litterature americaine.djvu/429

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Life and Death of John of Barneveld, 381.
Life and Sayings of Mr. Partington, 365
Life in the Open Air, 350.
Life, Letters, and Journals, 386.
Life of Colomhus, 154.
Life of David Brainerd, 85,
Life of George Washington, 144, 145. 155. 373.
The Light appearing more and more, 48.
Lincoln (Abraham), 90, 188, 354, 371, 401. 402.
Lind (Jenny). 361.
Lionel Lincoln, 163.
Litterary Remains, 277.
Literati, 248.
Little Britain, 153.
Little Women, 206.
Living-stone (William), 66.
Livre de conduite, 369.
Locke. 25, 82. 200.
Locke (David Ross), 361, 362.
Logan (James), 88, 170.
The London Magazine, 61.
Long (George), 392.
Longfellow, 2. 175, 201, 248, 251, 265, 26(), 267, 26S, 265). 270, 271, 273, 274. 275, -.’76, 282, 287, 28’.», 296, 306, 315, 318, 342, 388, 402.
Longstroet (Augustus Baldwin), 362, 36.S.
Looking-Glass for the Times, 18.
Lotus Eating, 394.
Lounsbury, 159.
Love and Skates, 350.
Lovejoy, 401.
Lovelace, 3.
Lovewell’s Fight, 60.
Lowell (Rév. Charles), 290.
Lowell (James Rnssell). 2, 7. 8, 202, 215, 250, 252, 264, 2H5, 266, 270, 285, 289, 291», 291, 2l»2, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306. 308, 310, 313, 319, 320, 347, 350, 361, 3(,5, 389, 390.
Lowell (Mary ei Roborl Traill Spence), 2’jO.
Lucy Temple, 134.
Lyrical Ballad.i, 132, 176.


Mocatalav. f*.9, 379, 391.
Mackenzie, 146.
Mndison, 107, 108, 111, 121, 147.
Magnalia, 50, f» !, 52, 60, 78.
Magnalia Christi Americana, 51.
Mahomet, 155.
Maine Wonds, 225.
To the Manito of Dreams, 181.
Major Jones Conrisliip, 363, 364.
Mnibone (Edward), l.JO.
Mallhus, 392.
Man the Reformer, 216.
The Marble latin, 23G, 2.’|1.
Marc Aurèle, 218, 22(i, 221. 226.
Le Marchand de Venise, 137.
Marco Hozzaris, 181.
Mardi, 263.
Margaret, 264.
Mariou (Francis), 144.
Mark Twain », 340, 356.
Markoe (Peler), 132.
Marshall (John). 145, 373.
Martin l’aber, 201.
Marwell (Andrew), 17.
Martineau (Harriet), 346.
Mason (John), 30.
Masque of the Gods, 318.
Mather (Cotlon), 2, l’i, 40, 49, 50, 51, 53, 58, 60, 66, 71, 78, 193.
Mather (Incrense). 34, 49.
Mather (Richard), 13, 48, 52.
Malthews (Tiiomas), 24.
Maupassant, 2’iO, 2.".4.
May (Louisa), 206.
The Maij/lo.ser, 345.
Mayhew (Jonathan), 98, 99, 194.
Maylem (John), 64.
MaVo (D’ William S.), 259.
Mazzini, 211.
Me linaal, 114, 115.
McClellan, 352.
Meai oui of the Eater, 20.
Méditations, 61.
Melville (Herman), 162, 235, 258, 263, 289.
Memoirs, 144.
Memoirs of the Life of William Wirt, 260.
Mémorial Poenis, 300.
Mercedes of Caslile, 167.
Mernj Mount, 380.
Mrtamorphoses, 12.
Muhacl Angelo, 274.
Mirhelet, 3/9.
Miles Slandish, 20.
Mille et une Nuits, 343, 358.