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Milton, 3, 7, 31, 42, 43, ’iG, GO, 215, 273.
The Minister’s Wooing , 343, 3i7 , 348.
Minnesiiigers, 186.
Mirror, 169, 266, 277, 307.
Miscellanies, 215.
T/te Missing Man, 172.
« Mrs. Mary Clavers .., 393.
The Mistress of tke Manse, 323.
Mitchell (Donald G.). o41.
Mitchill (Samuel Latham), 151.
Mitford (.Miss), 394.
Moby Dick, 162, 263.
Model of Christian Charity, 31.
Modem Chii>alry, 139.
Monaldi, 183.
Monikins, 167.
Monroe, 147.
Moiitcabn and Wolfe, 384, 385.
Monthli/ Anthology, 143.
Moore (Clément G.), 309.
Moore (Thomas), 179, 186.
Moral Pièces, 184.
More Wonders of the Invisible World, 71.
Morell (William), 12.
Morley (Lord), 43.
Morris (George P.), 169, 373.
La Mort, 176.
A Mortal Anlipailiy, 287.
Morton (Nathaniel), 26, 29.
Morton’s Ho/)e, 380.
Mossehead Journal, 296.
Masses, 233.
Masses from an Old Mansc, 234.
Motley (John Lothrop), 2S7, 289, 372,’ 377, 379, 380, 381, 382, 385, 386, 387.
Moiiriiful Lamentation, 63.
Moiirt’s Relation, 26.
Murray (Liiidlcy), 144, 145, 15’i, 380.
My Study Windows, 299.


Nadoivessicrs Todtenlied, 122.
Napoléon, 147.
Narrative of Arthur Gordon l’ym, 246, 25^.
Narratii>e ofSurprising Conversions, 83.
Narrative of thc Troubles with the Indians, 34.
The National Gazette. 112.
Natural Ilistory of Intellect, 217, 218.
Nature, 215.
Neal (John), 170.
Neal (Joseph Glay), 365.
Near Home, 228.
New American Cyclopaedia, 205.
Newbery (.John), 174.
Newell (Robert H.), 361.
New England’s Annoyances, 12.
New England^s Crisis, 18.
New En gland Galaxy, 173.
New England’s Lamentations, 41.
New En gland Magazine, 284.
New Englan.ds Mémorial, 29.
New England Primer, 114.
New England’s Prospect, 12, 30.
New England Tragédies, 273.
The New Era, 279".
Newes from Virginia, 11.
The New Gospel of Peace, 390.
A New Home, 394.
New Pastoral, 323.
The New Priest in Conception Bay, 290.
New Voyage to Carolina, 75.
New’s front America, 30.
Nichol (John), 351.
Nich ofthe Woods, 260, 261.
Nile Notes of a Ilowadji, 39’i.
Niles, 78.
Nina Gordon, 346.
Norman Leslie, 172.
North American Review, 177, 180, 298, 299, 305, 374, 378, 380, 397.
Northampton, 84.
Norton (Charles ? :iiot), 298.
Norton (John), 42.
Norwood, 23.
Notes on Virginia, 107.
Notions ofthe Americans, 164.
Nova Anglia, 12.
Novenibcr Boughs, 334.
Noyos (l’iév. Nicholas), 60.


The Oak Openings, 167.
Oakes (Urian), 17.
O’ Brien (Fitz .James), 343, 351, 352.
O’ Connor (William D.), 332.
Ode on Ihe Prospect of Peace, 68.
Odell (Rev. Jonathan), 110, 357.
Œuvres, 182.