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Page:Trent - Litterature americaine.djvu/435

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Vers sur le Massacre, 109.
Very (Jones), 227.
View of the Causes and Consequences, 102.
Views Afoot, 315.
Vindiciæ Hibernicæ 131.
The Virginia Comedians, 340.
Vision of Columbus, 120.
The Vision of Sir Launfal, 294.
Voices of the Night, 270, 271.
Volney, 120.
Voyage dans la Haute Pennsylvanie, 126.
Voyage of the Good Ship Union, 284.
Voyage to Virginia, 23.
Voyages de Gulliver, 69.


Walden. 223, 224.
Waller, 19, 58, 62, 65.
The Wanderer, 228.
Wandering Recollections, 171.
War, 64. ’
Ward (Henrv 343.
Ward (Nalhàniel), 14, 46, 48, 356.
Ware (William), 259.
H’n/- Lyrics, 320.
Warner (Miss Susan), 341.
Warren (Mrs. Mercev), 134.
Washingtan. 80. 86", 91. 10."., 100. 107, 112, 127, 145, 151, 155, 170. 373. 374, 401.
The Water Witch, 162.
Watts (D’ , 60, 114, 176.
Warerley, 159, 169.
The Ways ofthe /Jour, 167.
Webster (Daniel), 147, 189, 190.
Webster (Noah), 105, 130, 143, 144, 14.1, 148, 281,373, 396, 397, 398, 399, 4(10, 401.
Weed (Thurlow), KJO.
Week on the Concord and Merrimac Rivers, 223, 224.
Weems (Mason L.), 144, 145.
Welde (Thomas), 13.
Wendell, .M.
Wentworth, 26.
Wentworth Morton (Sarah), 135.
The Wept of Wish-ton-Wish, 165.
Werther, 387.
Wesley. 59.
West (Benjamin), 130.
Westward Ho ! 151.
Whaling Song, 63.
Wheaton (Henry), 189.
Whipple (Edwin Percy), 390, 391.
Whistonn, 195.
Wliitaker (Rèv. Alexander), 22.
Witcaker (Mrs. Frances Miriam), 365.
Whitcomb (S. L.), 129.
White (Kirke), 176.
White (Maria). 291.
White (Richard Grant), 361, 390.
White (Thomas W’.}, 246.
Whitcfield. 194.
The ]Vhitc Slare, 376.
White Tyranni/, 348.
Whitman (Walt), 149, 221, 239, 253, 257, 2S9. 299, ao.î, 312, 31 :<, 320, 326, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340.
Whitney (Eli), 128.
Whittier (Klizabeth Hussey), 279.
Whittier (John Greenleaf"), 2, 124, 125, 175, 265, 266, 270, 272, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 289, 320, 402.
Who’ll Folloiv, 394.
The Wide. Widc World, 341.
« Widow Bedott », 365.
Wieland, 141.
Wigjjrlesworth (Michael), 2, 19, 20.
Wigglesworth (Samuel). 20, 59, 60.
Wiîbcrforce, 29.
Wilbur (Rév. liomer), 293
Wilde (Richard Henry ;, 309.
Wilkie, 118.
WiUard (Samuel), 79.
Williams (Roger), 7, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46.
Willis (Nathaniel Parker), 267, 3u6, 307, 308, 310, 315, 369.
Willson (Hyron Forceytlie), 320.
Wilson (Alexander), 180, 183.
Wilson (John), 14.
Win :f and Wirn ;, 162, 165.
Win’slow (Edward), 26, 28, 29.
A Winter Wtitk, 225.
Wint<’r (William), 351, 352.
Winthrop (John), 7, 26, 30, 31, 61, 88.
Winthrop (Mrs.), 73.
Winlhrop (Théodore), 343, 349, 350, 351, 352.
Wirt (William), 145, 146, 187.
Wise (John), 80.
Witherspoon (John), 99.
Wolcotl (Roger), 61.
Wolfe, 67, 309.
Wolfcrls lioosl, 155.