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Page:Trent - Litterature americaine.djvu/434

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Stuart (Moses), 198.

Sturge (Joseph), 281.

The Succession of Forest Trees, 225.

Suckling, 11.

Sunimary, 7’J.

Summer on Ihc Lakes, 210.

Suraner (Charles), ’JSO, 396.

« Sut Lovengood », 364,

Sivalltnv Bain, 259.

Swift (Jonathan), Hl, 6G, 69, 79,

104, 152, ltj7, 215.
Sn’in !(in’ Round the Cirkle, 362.
Sylphs of the Seasons, 183.
Sylvester, 15, 19.

Taillefer (Patrick), 77.
A Taie of the Tory Ascendency ,

Taies uf the Grotesque, 247.

Taies of a Trafeller, 154.

Taies of a Wayside Inn, 274.

Tamerlane and Other Pocms, 244.

Tans^lewood Taies, 23().

The Task, 176.

Taylor (Bayard), 313, 314,315, 316,
317, 318. 321, 32fi, 342.

Taylor (Jeremy), 39.

Taylor (John), 195.

Ten Great lielii^ions, 212.

Tennyson, 254, 294, 298, 313,320.
.The fenlh Muse, 14,

Tent on the Beach, 279, 280.

Terrible Tractoration, 133.

Thanatopsis. .

Thackeray, 313, 341.

Theolo^y E.rplaincd, 119.

Thirty Years ont of ihc Senale, 360.

Tlion’ias (Gahricl). 35.

Thomas (Isaiah), 141.

Thompson (Benjamin), 130.

Thompson (Jolin Randolph), 321.

Thompson (William Tappan), 363.

Thomson (Mortimcr), 67, 365.

Thoreau, 201, 210, 215, 221, 222,
223, 224, 225, 226, 228, 233, 237,
289, 330.

Thoughts on the Poets, 390.

Thoughts on the Uei’ival of Religion,

Three Mémorial Pocms, 298.

Ticknor (D Francis O.), 321.

Ticknor (George), 189, 201, 213
268, 269, 374, 386, 387, 397.

Tillotson, 39.

The Tintes, 65, 381,
Timrod (Henry), 32’., 325.

To a Fringed Gentian, 179.

To a U’aier l’owl. 11’.

The Token, 174, 232.

Tompson (Benjamin), 18, 19.

Tooke (Horne), 92, 120.

A Tour on the Prairies, 155.

Toussaint Louceriure, 401,

Transfcrmation, 236.

Traits of the Aborigènes of America,

Travels in New-England, 118.

Trai>els through the Interior Parts
of North America, 122.

Treatise concerning the Religions
Affections, 84. "

Treatise on Original Sin, 85.

Tribune, 204. 211. 315, :^18, 326.

The Triumnh of htfedelity, 119.

A True and llistorical !S’arrative, 77.

True Relation, 21, 22, 58.

Trumbuli (John), 104, 114, 115,
117, 140, 357.

Trumps, 395.

Tucker (Beverly), 187.

Tuckcr (St George), 145, 376.

Tuckorman (Henrv Théodore), 390,

Turell (Mrs. Jane), 62.

Tn’icc-Told Talcs. 232, 234.

The Ti’o Admirais, 162.

’Avo Tears heforc the Mast, 182.

Tyler (Coit Moses), 42.

Tvler (Royal), 70, 98, 137, 139, 140,
141, 357.

Typee, 263.


.. Unclc Esek », 368.

Uncle Tours Cabin, 341, 342, 344,

345. 346, 347, 348, 349, 376.
Underhill (John), 30.
Under the Willo^vs, 298.
The United States Litcrary Gazette, 178.
The United States Magazine, 112.
Van Biiren (Martin), 375.
Vassall Morton, 385.
Yerplanck (Gulian G,), 178,