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Page:Harbottle - Dictionary of quotations French and Italian, 1904.djvu/274

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“Chi é cagion del sue mal, pianga se stesso.”

Goldoni. Don Giovanni Tenorio, Act IV., Sc. III.—(Don Giovanni.)

“Who causes his own misery,
Must from himself seek sympathy.”

“Chi e reo e buono e tenuto
Può fare il male e non è creduto.”
Boccaccio. Decameron, Giornata IV., Novella II.
“Whoso is bad, and is as good received,
May evil do and will not be believed.”

“Chi è stato à la fossa, sa che cosa e il morto.”

Doni. J Marmi, Part II. Delia Poesia.

“He who has stood by the grave-side knows what a corpse is like.”

“Chi ebbe tenga, e quel ch’ h stato e stato.”

Carducci. Giambi ed Epodi, Lib. I., V.—“Il Cesarismo," I.

“Who had shall hold, and what is fixed is fixed.”

“Chi fa cié che puo, e dice al mode che sa, non é tenuto a piu.”

Aretino. Il Filosofo, Act V.—(M. Plataristotile.)

“From him who does what he can, and speaks as he knows, nothing more
can be demanded.”

“Chi fa i suoi fatti non imbratta le mani.”

Aretino. Lo Ipocrito, Act II., Sc. IX.—(Maja.)

“He who attends to his own business does not soU his hands.”

“E chi fa il sue mestier, fa il sue dovere.”

Casti. Gli Animali Parlanti, XVIL, 47.

“He does his duty who his business minds.”

“Chi fa presto fa bene, e chi fa subito
Fa meglio.”

Goldoni. Il Talismano, Act II., Sc. II.—(Pancrazio.)

“Who quickly does, does well, but he does better
Who does at once.”

“Chi fonda in sul popolo, fonda in sul fango.”

Macchiavelli. Il Principe, Cap. IX.

“He who builds upon the people builds upon the mud.”

“Chi ha amore in seno sempre ha i sproni in fiance.”

Divizio Da Bibbiena. La Calandria, Act II., Sc. VIL—(Samia.)

“He who has love in his breast has ever the spurs at his flanks.”

“Chi ha avuto moglie merita una corona di pazienza, ma chi ne ha
avute due ne merita una di pazzia.”

Gelli. La Circe, Dialogo V.—(Cerva.)

“He who has had a wife deserves a crown of patience, but he who has had
two deserves a strait waistcoat.”